Friday, September 25, 2009

Tak Seindah Mimpi

Hari nie sy sedar...realiti xseindah mimpi.Dalam mimpi,sumenye realiti xkn seindah mimpi. I know it now. Today..i need to forget the 'dream'. A dream that become my inspiration before..a dream that always make me smile..a dream that will make me happy..i need to forget it now..Why?? Coz...the dream make someone felt sad.I had promise..if my dream make anyone sad,i will forget the dream...

I will not crying...coz the dream had become reality once..n that make my life perfect eventhough i need to forget it now...
Thanks to Endimion...Have a great life..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sesi Fotografi Keluarga

Firstly,sy ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya n Maaf Zahir serta Batin kepada sumer..
Camne ngan sambutan hari raya korg?? Mst meriah ek?? Sy?? Ermmm....Mestilaa seronok!!!Huhuhu..Tp sayangnye kali nie xsumer ahli keluarga sy yg dpt cuti utk balik raya..
Ayah,abang n adik sy xdpt balik sebb kena sesi fotografi keluarga xdapat dijalankan dgn sepenuhnye.:(

Anyway..nie bebrapa pic yg dapat sy rakamkan dgn bantuan sepupu2 sy sebagai photographer profesional.Hahaha..Jom explore..!!!

Huhu..sesi fotografi nie diambil ms hari raya pertama..Terima kac kpd sumer yg terlibat utk menjayakan sesi fotografi ini terutamanya kepada sepupu sy ieka n iema.Sayang kt korang tau...tahun nie xdapt bg duit raya kt korg lg,tp xpe...tuntut 2 tahun dr skrg k??Time tue mtk laa berapa byk yg korg nak..memeng bagi.Huahua..:)

P/s:Thun nie dapat byk duit raya sebb ade org ingt sy adik kepd adik sy.Awet muda kot..hahaha..:p

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

2 hari dr skrg...kita akan menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri..Seronok kn?
Sy happy jgk...walaupun sambutan raya tahun nie xkan sama mcm still happy..:) First reason is...sebab sy still dpt lihat suasana hr raya tahun still leh tolong wat lemang, bleh bergurau senda ngan sepupu2 sy,bleh wt sesi fotografi dgn fmly sy,bleh men bunga api ngan bdk2..n...sebb sy msh leh pasang pelita di setiap sudut halaman rumah sy...Mst cantik kn nnt?Mst paling skakan suasana bercahaya tue..:)

N yg paling penting...sebb thun nie,sy berpeluang utk minta maaf ngan sumer org especially mak n ayah sy.Rasenya selama sy hidup 21 tahun nie,terlalu byk yg sy xdpt lakukan utk dorg sebagai seorg anak...but i always try to be the best for them..Wlpn mybe fmly sy xsame spt fmly org len,i still love my family so much coz tuelah satu-satunya harta dunia yg sy ada n sy paling syg...n satu-satunya benda dlm dunia nie yg sy akan pertahankan...:)

Year really hard 4 me and my family.We got many problems to solve..i'm waiting for next year,2010.Lets it be a good year for my family..even i'm will not be around.I really hope all people that i love will always be family,my frenzz n my Endimion.

Thinking about Endimion,i should thank him for always advising me to love n respect the relationship among family's members.If he read this,i want him to know that makes him different from others.Huahua...:) The second reason why i feel really happy is because...i'm not sure about the becoming Hari Raya of 2010.So,as long as i still alive....i should happy n thankful right?? :) Just relax n enjoy...

Anyway,just wanna to say..."SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI"..:)

P/s:Nak duit raya...huhuhu..:p

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Dream Come True

Tepat pkul 12.01 mlm td,one of my dreams come true. And I'm crying...Huhuhu..childish btl kn? Tp memg dah lama sy tggu mimpi tu jd realiti...Now,I feel like i'm the King of the world!! Huahuahua... Rs happy sgt2.. (Senyum sampai ke telinga)

Tp kdg2 sy terpikir...betul ke apa yg sy wat nie? No komen..I just can say..I hope my dream will not hurting anybody. Coz i didn't want anybody feel sad because of me or my dream.If it is true ..i prefer to forget the dream and make the person to be happy...

P/s: Senyum ...Hehehehe..

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ku Ingin Kamu by Romance

Demi semua yang aku jalani bersamamu
Kuingin engkau jadi milikku
kuingin kau disampingku

Tanpa dirimu ku hanya manusia tanpa cinta
Dan hanya dirimu yang bisa
Membawa surga dalam hatiku

Ku ingin engkau menjadi milikku
Aku akan mencintaimu
Menjagamu selama hidupku
Dan aku kan berjanji
Hanya kaulah yang kusayangi
Ku akan setia disini

Bagaikan tangan sang pencinta
Yang berhiaskan bunga asmara
Dan membuatku tak kuasa

Back to chorus

Di setiap arung gerak
Tersimpan di hati kecilku
Bahawa dirimu terindah untukku

Back to Chorus

Chorus 2:
Selama ku masih bisa bertahan
Selama ku masih bisa bernafas
Selama Tuhan masih mengijinkan
Kuingin selalu menjagamu

Back to Chorus2 [3x]

Selama ku masih bisa bertahan
Selama ku masih bisa bernafas

P/S: I will be waiting..

My Last SBE

Place:Sek.Keb.Seksyen 7,Bangi Selangor
Date:1 sept 2009-4 sept 2009
Mentor : Puan Noor Nisrin

Thanx to all the students and Teachers of Sek.Keb.Seksyen 7..
To the preschool students of Teratak Nuri ..i will miss all of you..
To Kak Zai,Kak Rin,Kak Lin and Kak Ita..thanks a lots..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My new blog

Just wanna to say..Welcome to my new blog.."Stories Of My Life"...memories that never be forgotten and remains forever.Hope you will enjoy this blog...Huhuhu...