This evening my phone ringing..Tuttt...Tuuttt...Thinking maybe it is from one important person,i picked my phone quickly.It is quite dissapointed to see it is a new number.That time,i think i can heard my hearts laughing n said.."Hahaha...still puts ur hope Arniza?? Never be ok...maybe u need a big miracle to get the call u waits for...." Huahua...:P
Looking at my phone..i wonder..who can it be?? My mum?? Of cos not..My bro?? No....My Sis?? Ermm...xmungkinlaaaaa....Oh!Maybe one of my old frenz.....I think positively.Huhuhu..With a gentle voice i answered............."Assalamualaikum.." Wanna know what i got????
One "gentle n soft" voice replied....
"Woi Siti!! Ko nie xde keje lain ke?? Nape ko nak kaco hidop aku haa??!! Ada aku kaco hidop ko ke??Bla..bla..bla..bla..bla..bla..bla..bla...Pesal ko senyap jer?? Tak tau nak ckp ape2 dah ke?? Ko dah bisu ke? Nie aku nk warninglaa sama ko nie ....bla..bla..bla...bla....bla..bla...bla...bla.. bla n bla..bla...
I'm shocked! Its so lucky i don't have heart attack or else...huhuhu..Trying to pretend myself..."Tapi kak......"Can't say more than two words when she was too busy talking......."Apa kak2?? Ble lak aku jadi kakak ko haa?? Ko tue bajet muda lagi ke?? tak sedar diri...bla..bla..bla..bla.bla..bla...bla..bla....Haaa??Senyap jerr??Pesal ko diam lak???Dah bisu????
Quickly i said..."Kak..kak nie sape sebenarnya???Saya bukan Siti..."
"Haaa??Bukan Siti??" I aswered..."nope.." Then.........tutttt.........silent.No more voice.No more words.....i wonder...who is she?? i think hardly...do i know her??Do i ever hurt her??Do i ever disturb her?? Do i'm the one made she angry like a lion?? I think...think...n think....until i got one short message saying...
Thinking about that...i just can...laughing loudly.Hahahaha.....its ok.Kdg2 kte xsedar apa yg kte wat time marah sgt2. So,its ok.But my minds keeps asking ...""No apologise??"" Hahaha....:P
P/s: Siti,whoever n wherever you are ...beware!! Someone is going to find you.....:p
P/s: Siti,whoever n wherever you are ...beware!! Someone is going to find you.....:p