Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Little Bro

Lalala..lala..bestnyee dah hbs exam..Tau x menda paling stress time exam? Bile anda adalaa org yg terakhir hbs exam sedgkan sumer dh bersiap2 nak balik umah.Mak aii...satu penderaan psikologi namanyee..Tambh2 lak ble sumer org ty.."ek?ade exam lagi ke??" Uwaaaaa......stress2..Xpe2,Esok dh boleh balik.I will miss this college n my frenzz...Huhuhu..:)

Next story..

Time dok bz2 bce nota PJ yg memeningkan pg td..tetibe ade mesej masuk.Yeye...yeye...ade mesej dr mummy. 1...2...3...."Meng,adik dapat 5A UPSR"..Short but so sweet....Waaahhh!!! Adik dapt 5A??? Alhamdulilah...Congrats2...huhuhuu.Insan yg paling heppi of coslaaa my mummy.Bleh bayanglaa mst mummy senyum jerr hr nie n smpai ble2...ayah lak? He will be proud.....Thnks to my little bro coz give them a reason to smile n happy. I feel happy kne bersedialaaa...coz smpai je muka pintu umah nnt..cfrm2 my little bro will say to me..."Meng,adik dah pecahkan rekod meng yg dh berusia 8 thun tu...apalagi...KFC jom..??.".Hahaha..Xpelaaa dik..asalkn result excellent..:)


P/s: the smile...make me heppy...:)

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