Thursday, December 3, 2009

Countdown to Dunia Baru 2010


Rindu rasenyee nak menulis kt blog nie..besalaa cuti2 skit ngan keje n tolong family menguruskan "syarikat makanan".Hehehe...Saje je menyibukkan diri dgn keje2 buisness management.Huahua..sedap btl bunyinyee. Rase2 klu xstdy kt maktab nie,i will open a restaurant...n my mother will be CEO company.Hahaha..One of my dream..Byk btl menda yg sy dh plan dlm hidup sy...byk sgt.Tp sy hy manusia biasa.....yg hy blh merancang...n Dia yg menentukan segalanya...Sy percaya segala yg ditentukan oleh-Nya...adalaa yg terbaik utk hy akan tersenyum n menghepikan diri setiap hari....Huhuhuu..:)

Uishh...xsbr rasenyee nak melangkah ke tahun 2010...skrg pun dok tgok kalendar je hampir setiap hr.Haha..Mcm2 azam baru sy dah pkir...xtaulaa excited lak.Mungkin sebb tahun 2009 nie lbh byk mencatatkan kenangan pahit drpd manis dlm hidup sy.Tahun 2009,byk kali sy tersungkur n terjatuh ...hanya Tuhan yg tahu bertapa sukarnya utk sy bangkit semula mengutip semangat sy yg hilang..Hanya Tuhan je yg tahu..bertapa pengalaman tue cukup utk mendewasakan sy...n membuat sy faham ttg lumrah dunia...Kdg2 sy terpikir...dunia nie sungguh xadil!! Nape mesti jd camnie? Nape mesti jd camtue? No answer......masa berlalu....n it give me the best answer...Huhuhu..betullah apa yg kwn2 kata...time will be the best medicine for me..n sampai sekrg sy dpt rase sumenyee adelah utk kebaikan sy.Cayalaah...Huahua..:P

Memory yg paling akan sy ingat ble satu ketika..tanpa sedar, i hurt someone...n i try to steal her happiness.i did'nt meant to hurt i'm sorry.That will be the best word from me..Kwn2 sy kate...kata maaf dari sy terlalu tue jelah yg sy ade utk membayar segala kesalahan sy. Tue pun xcukup rasenyee utk kembalikan segalanyee spt dulu...i just can pray that everything will be fine..for u n for me...n i hope she will be happy forever....:)

Klu diberi kesempatan,sy nak mulakan lembaran baru dlm hidup sy pd hr pertama tahun 2010...i will waiting for that day...n one things for sure i hope in 2010,no more hard2 feeling.Huahua..I'm tired.I remember one of my frenz said...."one day,there will be somebody pick u as the first choice..".I love the sentence n believe that.Lgpun,aishah kate..better amik MC dulu utk menda2 nie.Orait gak nak habiskan study memolek n jadi Cikgu Pra yg baik.Hahaha..So i will be no more or anything else..only frenzz..n my club.Huahua..Thinking about all the cartoon characters..i just wanna to say.. thank you for everything...u meant a lots to me especially garfield..n the only thing i hope for all of u happy..thats will make me happy too..Huhuhu..:)

So many stories happen in this year...n i will never forget all the memories. I will keep it in my mind forever...It teaches me so many things i should know,feel n learnt. To all people i make mistake..i'm so sorry....if i give others changce to correct it...i will..i promise i will...but for now..the only thing i can do is....just say..i"m sorry...:)

P/s: Soklan paling best time tolong mummy di kedai pd waktu cuti.."Dik,sekolah darjah brape?" n my best answer..."darjah 6,baru je amik result UPSR.." Hahaha...:)


Me said...

hello princess,,bru drjh 6 eik?
upsr dpt bape?muahaha
oo..uruskn 'syarikt mknn' eik...
ptotla kuat mkn..haha
anyway princess..jgn sedih2 ok,,,mslh hadir dlm hidup kita,,utk memtgkn lg diri kita,,,even kita rase mcm bnde tu berat sgt utk kita hdpi..n jgn jadikan perkara lalu, utk terus mghukum diri kita yg akan dtg..remember, tomorow is always miracle..

🌙 said...

thnks ea...:)