Yeah!!! Mahu mencuri sedikit mase berpraktikum utk mengupdate blog..Huhuhu..=)
Well...praktikum2...Maybe i should far it is so good. Wlpn kdg2 ianya memberi ketensenan,kebluran n keletihan kpd sy....i still feel that it is so good. Mgkn sebb jmp ngan bdk2 pra yg pd sy nakal2 manje.2 minggu praktikum...there are so many happy stories happen..Hehehe....gelak tawa dorg wat sy rase happy n hlang sumer rase penat....They are so special 4 me right now.....=)
Ble difikirkan,btl juga kate2 senior ......praktikum without RPH n BBM was so ble dh praktikum nie,sy mulai fhm ttg bertapa pentingnya RPH n BBM tue tyme mengajar....Bayangkan mule2 praktikum....2 days without RPH,sy n partner sy jd blurrr nak wat aktiviti ape.....kesannye,kawalan kelas was zero..padahal bdk2 tue xdelah nakal sgt sblum nie....Huhuhu...=)
SRKBBB Jln 2...was so great! With friendly teachers and happening students....make my life story blink2 shining like a star....Honestly,i begin to love this school...especially the preschool students.They are soooooo cuttteeee.....hehehe..=D
Papepon...i will try to do the best in this praktikum with my partner,aimi. InsyaALLAH...Wish Us luck ok.....
P/s: happy tooo..=D