Exam weeks is already past..but i still stay in my college 4 a week..=)

So,dis week will be my last week 4 dis sem...n it was a busy week! Huhu...With our preschool's club activites ..still got classes to attend specially 4 my becoming project in da final year...n there will be a meeting 4 the second practicum.. So..its quite importantlaa..never say "No" to one of them... Huhuhu.But I think...Its ok...juz one week to go....n then i will back to the place i belong.....to my family...I miss them..=)
Thinking about dis holiday...is so exciting...Moreover,if u are a primary school student. It was a tyme to play as much as u can. So,i wonder what u are gonna do dis holiday? Going somewhere with ur family?? Watching television? Surf the internet without limit??Reunion with some oldfrenzz?? Or maybe...hang out with all ur bestfren? Yeah..i guess..it so much fun doing that n that.....but i got something else to do.....
What is holiday means to me?? 4 me...Its a tyme to work n helping my mum runs her restaurant without any BOOKS..Hahaha.Yup! Its tyme to work. In dis holiday,I will wake up early 5.30 am everyday to help my mum setting her restaurant..prepare myself to go to my workplace n being a promoter until 12.30.Finish that job..i'm going to my mum's restaurant to be her assistant manager until 6.30 pm...Hehe..At home,its tyme 4 me to be a chef with my little sis n also be a Cleaner. Huhu...after having dinner together,i need to manage my house perfectly...clean the house,wash the dishes,wash the clothes n teach my little sis n little bro doing their homework..so much things to do.Thats my tymetable in dis holiday.. Huhuhu..=D
Thats how i spend my holiday..No trip...no picnic...no hang out..no shopping...no meeting or what so ever...Juz spending tyme with my lovely family in our restaurant n house...Thats my life . But honestly,sometimes...i feel so tired doing that n this.Whenever i think like this n feel like i'm down......i talk to myself..."Its all about responsibility in family relationships.." Like what Maya Karin said in her movie Pisau Cukur..."Kalau xrasa hidup susah....takkan hargai hidup senang nanti kan?? " Thats what inspire me all da tyme. So..dun ever2 lupe diri ea nieza....Huhuhu...=D
Anyway...Happy holiday to all ya...Enjoy urself...=D
P/s: Still remember..one of my frenz said...."Family comes first " =)